Examples of general responses to LTP5 consultation document

·                    Concern regarding the realistic capability of the council and its partners to deliver the full list of interventions by 2030; raised expectations need to be managed

·                    A delivery plan is required

·                    Need to normalise inclusivity within the document, not have it as its own section

·                    Need to see more about celebrating small businesses, the local economy and shopping streets

·                    More alignment with the Carbon Neutral Agenda required

·                    Need to be mindful of the wording used in messaging/publicity and documents so not to alarm disabled people

·                    The council should consider a statement on accessibility which says that no-one will be left behind when it comes to travel in Brighton & Hove, also setting out what active travel means for disabled people

·                    Need a clearer worded, simpler version of the document, without the use of acronyms, to enable everyone to comment. Some terminology requires explanation e.g. mixed use neighbourhoods

·                    Better communication is needed for travel schemes in the city

·                    Include a link to some of the wider strategic transport issues in the region which impact on the city

·                    Highlight the consequences of not doing something to help secure support

·                    Consider approaching the plan from (a) a car owning household and (b) a non-car accessing household

·                    Make stronger links with the content of other plans/strategies are required including the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), and Accessible City Strategy